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Fae Scribe

A note taking app for tabletop RPG players. Built using Ruby on Rails.

Mobile view of Fae Scribe

Notes are input using Markdown syntax and rendered as HTML. The Redcarpet gem was utilized for this functionality, and I wrote some extensions to the renderer to allow for more custom syntax conversions.

Much of this site was designed using BDD (behavior-driven development) methodologies. I created a user flow diagram to start. I used Github issues to organize what features and improvements I would want to add throughout the project. When a new feature was being tackled in an issue, I would typically start with writing system tests for the feature using RSpec and Capybara with a selenium webdriver. Unit test and integration tests would also be created as needed until the feature was fully implemented and all tests passed. This project has had over 80% test coverage as reported by Simplecov throughout its progress so far.

This project also included many other learning opportunities. I implemented Websocket connections for the note pages and comments. This project was also the first project where I used Tailwind for styling.